Hashtag Generator cover

Hashtag Generator

An AI powered hashtag generator.

In the dynamic landscape of social media, connecting with your audience requires more than just compelling content—it demands strategic use of hashtags. Introducing the AI-Powered Hashtag Generator, a breakthrough product designed to revolutionize your social media experience. With state-of-the-art artificial intelligence at its core, this tool empowers you to effortlessly discover and curate the perfect hashtags for your content.


I assumed the following roles designing this project:

  • User Experience (UX) Designer
  • Product Designer
  • Interaction (IxD) Designer
  • User Interface (UI) Designer
  • Visual Designer


UX/UI Design:

  • Personas
  • User journeys and task flows
  • Low-fidelity wireframes
  • High-fidelity mockups and prototypes
  • Design system


Duration: 6 weeks


  • Figma
  • Adobe Illustrator


Introducing the AI-Powered Hashtag Generator, a revolutionary tool designed to streamline and elevate your social media experience. This cutting-edge product combines the power of artificial intelligence with user-friendly features, allowing you to effortlessly discover and curate the perfect hashtags for your content. Whether you're searching by keyword, text, or image, our advanced algorithms ensure you always stay relevant and engaged with your audience.


  • Existing hashtag generators often lack the ability to generate hashtags based on images, limiting their versatility.
  • Additionally, many lack a seamless system for users to save and organize their chosen hashtags, leading to inefficiencies and frustration in the content creation process.

Proposed Solution

  • This AI-Powered Hashtag Generator addresses these shortcomings by integrating image analysis capabilities.
  • Users can now upload images, and the AI algorithms will intelligently generate relevant hashtags based on visual content.
  • Furthermore, it introduces the innovative TagBags feature, allowing users to conveniently store and categorize their preferred hashtags for easy access and use.

"The AI-Powered Hashtag Generator revolutionizes the way you connect with your audience. Effortlessly discover and organize the perfect hashtags, ensuring your content reaches the right audience every time."


Through extensive user research, I identified a growing need for a comprehensive hashtag generation tool that integrates seamlessly with various content formats.


  1. It highlighted the frustration users experienced when searching for relevant hashtags.
  2. It also highlighted the desire for a more intuitive and organized approach to hashtag management.


The product is structured around a user-friendly interface that guides users through a simple three-step process: keyword input, text entry, or image upload. The AI engine then analyzes the input to generate a tailored list of hashtags. The TagBags feature is seamlessly integrated, allowing users to save and categorize hashtags for future use.


Visualizing User-Centric Experience

Every aspect of the product is designed with the user in mind. It prioritize simplicity, intuitiveness, and efficiency, ensuring that even those with minimal technical expertise can effortlessly harness the power of AI-generated hashtags. The TagBags feature was developed in direct response to user feedback, providing a solution to a common pain point in hashtag management.


Establishing Visual Design

The visual design is clean, modern, and inviting. It employs a soothing color palette and intuitive iconography to guide users through the process. Clear call-to-action buttons and intuitive navigation elements ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience.

The AI-Powered Hashtag Generator is a careful balance of aesthetics and functionality, aimed at providing an inviting and intuitive user experience. I employed a harmonious color palette, featuring soft, muted tones that create a calming atmosphere while maintaining focus on the content. This choice of colors encourages prolonged engagement without overwhelming the user. Clear, legible typography is a cornerstone of our design, ensuring that all text is easily readable on various screen sizes and devices. I utilized a combination of modern, sans-serif fonts for headings and body text, providing a clean and contemporary feel. Iconography plays a pivotal role in guiding users through the interface. Recognizable symbols streamline navigation, allowing users to effortlessly move through the three-step process of keyword input, text entry, or image upload. Negative space is strategically utilized to create a sense of balance and visual breathing room.

User-Centered Design

The design process centered around iterative user testing and feedback loops. I conducted usability studies to validate and refine our interface, ensuring that every interaction feels natural and intuitive. This user-centric approach resulted in a product that addresses the specific needs and pain points of our target audience.

I believed in putting the user at the center of my design philosophy. Every element of our AI-Powered Hashtag Generator has been meticulously crafted to ensure a seamless and intuitive experience. From the clean and modern visual design to the straightforward three-step process, I've taken the guesswork out of hashtag selection.

Improved Usability

Issues to Address for Development

  1. Through rigorous testing and refinement, I've achieved a level of usability that sets the product apart.
  2. Users consistently report increased efficiency in their content creation process, with a significant reduction in time spent on hashtag research.
  3. The TagBags feature has proven to be a game-changer, allowing users to easily access and apply their preferred hashtags, further streamlining their workflow.